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Phone: 404-255-8022 | Fax: 404-255-7248
Address: 5780 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd.
Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30342

Hospital Care

Hospital care provided by Peachtree Women's Clinic

For OB Patients

The physicians and certified nurse-midwives of Peachtree Women's Clinic deliver exclusively at all three Northside Hospital locations, including:

For GYN Patients

For gynecologic surgery, the physicians at Peachtree Women's Clinic operate at the North Crescent Outpatient Surgery Center in Alpharetta and at all three Northside locations including:

North Crescent Surgery Center
North Crescent Medical Building, Ste. 100
11975 Morris Rd.
Alpharetta, GA 30005
Telephone: 770-664-0529

Our Metro-Atlanta Offices

Providing excellent care for women in our offices located in Alpharetta, Atlanta Midtown, Atlanta Perimeter, Canton, and Cumming and hospital services at Northside Atlanta, Northside Forsyth and Northside Cherokee.