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Phone: 404-255-8022 | Fax: 404-255-7248
Address: 5780 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd.
Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30342

Contact Us

Same day appointments for problem visits! Call 470-410-2672 for an appointment today.

Contact Information

Office Hours

Our normal business hours are as follows:

  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Friday: 8:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.

After Hours Instructions

  • If you are calling any office after hours, your call will be automatically forwarded to the answering service. You will then be connected to the physician or nurse-midwife on call.
  • Please set your phone to allow calls from a blocked number.
  • Please allow up to 30 minutes for us to return your call as we may be in surgery or a delivery.


Same day appointments for problem visits! Call 470-410-2672 for an appointment today.

For non-urgent appointmments, please use our secure, online appointment request form to request an appointment when it's convenient for you. Our office will follow-up with you to confirm your appointment.

Request an Appointment

Secure Online Bill Pay

Online Bill Pay is fast, easy, and secure.

Make a Payment

Billing Inquiries

For billing questions, please call 404-303-7520.

All laboratory procedures are billed separately from your physician appointment. If you have questions about your laboratory bill please call:

  • Phytest: 404-943-0205
  • LabCorp: 770-939-4811
  • Quest Diagnostics: 1-866-697-8378

Patient Portal

We offer our patients Online Health Services through our secure patient portal.

Patient Portal Information

Our Metro-Atlanta Offices

Providing excellent care for women in our offices located in Alpharetta, Atlanta Midtown, Atlanta Perimeter, Canton, and Cumming and hospital services at Northside Atlanta, Northside Forsyth and Northside Cherokee.